International Rosé Day

How many #RoséDays do we need?

With two #rosédays down and one more to go, you may wonder just how many #pinkwinedays we need to celebrate. Some people question why we need to devote even one day to #celebraterosé. It’s summer — isn’t everyone already drinking #roséallday? Heck, we’ve moved way past #roséallsummer to #roséallyear. Isn’t every swimsuit-clad millennial toasting #yayrosé on Instagram? Wait! I think it’s #roséyay. Or is it #yeswayrosé (whatever that means)? Oh, just raise the damned glass and toast to the once humble rosé! [...]

Thank God It’s Roséday Friday

I found myself in St. Tropez this week at the elegant Château de la Messardière, a five-star hotel overlooking the bay of Pampelonne. There, I attended an official press conference on the inauguration of International Rosé Day, brainchild of... [...]