
Provence WineZine Goes to RAW WINE New York

Today is the start of RAW WINE New York, a two-day artisan wine fair devoted to natural wine. It’s the second year in the Big Apple and promises to be a popular event again—tickets for today sold out three days ago and apparently Monday is now also sold out (although organizers encourage interested parties to check availability at the door…and suggest they may be lucky). About 2300 people attended last [...]

Provençal Pairings: Wine with Food

A Goddess in Our Midst

Toward the end of my pairing notes last month, I suggested I might have remembered Rolle being someone softer, fuller, and rounder than its Italian counterpart, Vermentino. It seems that I was right. Disclaimer: I only tasted two of hundreds of wines out there that are made with 100% Rolle or Vermentino. Just two. However, they are both highly rated and come from well-respected vintners. As I tested the Antinori Vermentino twice, I thought it only fair to do the same with the Rolle. For one [...]



Rosé continues to take the United States by storm. France drinks the most rosé by a long shot, accounting for 35% of world consumption or 8.5 million hectoliters (mhl) of rosé, but the United States comes in a second (3.4 mhl). A distant second, yes, but we drink 14% of the rosé consumed by the world. That’s nearly 453 million bottles of rosé a [...]

Provençal Pairings: Wine with Food

You Say Rolle, and I Say Vermentino…

There is no need to call the whole thing off, because we are both right; Rolle and Vermentino grapes are one and the same. The Italians make Vermentino, while those of you in Provence sip Rolle. I truly wish I had a bottle of each side-by-side to test, because I feel they are quite different. Basically, all that folderol about terroir really isn't folderol at all. (Now THAT should be a Cole Porter lyric, even though my nod to “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off” is an Ira and George [...]

Provençal Pairings: Wine with Food
Eat Dessert First?

I saw a display of Belleruche rosé at my local upscale grocery store. It was new to me and from a region I trust, thus it caught my attention. I was surprised to see it priced at $8.99, so I picked up a couple of bottles out of sheer curiosity. Only later did I find it at the Big Box wine store for significantly more. And, while it was unfamiliar to me, Susan brought to my attention the full page ad for Belleruche in The Wine Spectator last month; evidently, it is not unknown to [...]
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